Published Anti-Reports in chronological order
1. Rio Tinto Zinc (1971)
2. General Electric Company - GEC (1972)
3. Consolidated Goldfield
4. The Recurrent Crisis of London
5. British Leyland - the Beginning of the End
6. Three Phase Trick (Inflation and Phase 3)
7. The Unacceptable Face (the 1970-1974
Tory Government)
8. Your Money and Your Life - Insurance
Companies and Pension Funds (1973)
9. The Oil Fix (1974)
10. Business As Usual - Banking in S. Africa
11. Courtaulds Inside Out
12. Unilever's World
13. Where is Lucas Going?
14. CRISIS: Cutting the Welfare State-
Who Profits? (1976)
15. CRISIS: Who's Next for the Chop
16 CRISIS: Women Under Attack
17. CRISIS: Racism - Who Profits
18. Black South Africa Explodes
19. CRISIS: Paying for the Crisis
20. Highness - Jubilee anti-report
21. The Ford Motor Company (1978)
22. Sell Out in Zimbabwe (1979)
23. The Wealthy
24. The New Technology
25. The Nuclear Disaster
26. NHS Condition Critical
27. Hardship Hotel
28. Women in the 80s (1981)
29. Anti-Report 1981
30. War Lords (1982)
31. Striking Back against Multinationals
32. Private Line - the Future of British Telecom
33. Assault on the Unions
CIS Counter Information Services