A key objective of CIS was to attack the cruel exploitation of the people of South Africa under apartheid. CIS produced several anti-reports exposing the activities of UK companies in South Africa:
Rio Tinto Zinc 1970
Consolidated Goldfields 1971
GEC 1971
British Leyland 1973
Your Money and Your Life (Insurance) 1974
Black South Africa Explodes 1977
Buying Time in South Africa 1978
Ford Motor Company 1978
CIS revealed the complicity of UK companies in
Got legislation passed requiring UK companies to
reveal the wage levels paid to their SA workers
- later repealed by Margaret Thatcher.
Provided production data enabling trade union
shop stewards in the UK to disrupt export of arms
and equipment to the apartheid regime.
The Anti-Reports and South Africa
South African migrant workers, from
Consolidated Goldfields
CIS Counter Information Services